Randy the Redneck will be in town to show you the world through his eyes. During his Tellin it Like it Iz Tour, the entire evening at Pynelogs will be dedicated to the Randster on Friday, May 30th. Photo submitted
By Dan Walton
Pioneer Staff
The complicated dysfunctions of redneck life will be presented in plain English during a visit to Invermere tonight (Friday, May 30th) by Randy the Redneck.
As an altered ego of Nelson based writer/performer LucasMyers, Randy will be discussing topics ranging from What Is a Redneck?to Why Hockey Still Matters (a Parable) to his recent enlightment on becoming Environmentalistic.
Advice on how to put your kids to bed when youre wasted is worth the price of admission, Lucas told The Pioneer, who invites readers to come into a worldof simple truths, good times, and poor impulse control worldwhere party is spelled with a d, where the smoke is always thick and theriffsare always heavy.
Be sure to wear your plaid sweater to the show at Pynelogs Cultural Centre Randy prefers to speak with a crowd he can relate to.
Hes like the crazy friend you have who is fearless and hilarious, the one you can count on to always get the party going and be the last man standing, said Lucas, who graduated from the National Theatre School in 1998.
Although hes been performing for fifteen years, this years Tellin It Like It Iz Tour will be Lucas first visit to Invermere.
I have a friend from here who is a big Randy fan who heard about the tour and gave me the gears for not coming to Invermere, he said.
And through guitar, ukulele and keyboard, the show will also feature live redneck music both homemade and a Leonard Cohen cover.
While his messages may not be delivered in a politically correct manner, Randys insights reveal a peculiar type of wisdom that will leave you questioning your prejudices against people sporting mack jackets and mullets, said Lucas, adding that the audience can expect a unique perspective on environmentalism, physiotherapy, love at first sight, childcare, being a feminist, and how to react when death comes for you in a minivan… all offered up by a sweet hearted dude from Crestoni in acid washed jean shorts.
The bar will be open before the show once the doors open at 7 p.m., and Randy will stumble onto stage around 8 p.m. Tickets cost $10, and the show will include content for adults and PG-13 language.