Submitted by Sgt. Jeff Witzke

Columbia Valley RCMP

On January 6 the Columbia Valley RCMP were dispatched to a possible suicidal person who had told his family that he no longer wanted to live. Police officers quickly located the individual who appeared serious with his intentions. Members apprehended him under the Mental Health Act and safely transported him to the hospital for further assessment.

On January 9 police were called to the local hospital to request assistance with an intoxicated patient causing issues with staff. The patient became aggressive towards staff and attempted to leave the hospital by shoving a police officer. The patient was arrested and taken to the detachment for the night where they were able to sober up and reflect on their poor decision making.

On January 10 the Columbia Valley was hit with a rash of thefts from vehicles including the theft of one vehicle. The suspects also targeted Canmore, Alberta and appeared to be focused on unlocked vehicles. Some of the items stolen were electronics that could be tracked. 

The stolen vehicle was located on January 12 in Calgary. Unfortunately, none of the items stolen locally were located. The RCMP are reminding people to lock their car doors and not to leave the keys in the vehicle.