By Lorene Keitch
Pioneer Staff
Her metallic blue body, touched with Tremclad once or twice in her years, glistens in the sunshine. Shes an honest, unpretentious dame. She runs like a dream even if her body is aging.
She is a 35-year old Toyota Corolla, built in the days of boxy cars. Dont hold that against her though: she might be over the hill, but shes functional and, at the end of the day, thats what a car should be.
Greg Constable bought her brand new in 1982 and drove it to his first day on the job as music teacher at DTSS. This June, Mr. Constable is retiring and, after faithful service to him over the years, he wants to pass the car on.
Mr. Constable would like to see a bursary set up for a DTSS graduate with a single, unsupported parent, who plans to attend a postsecondary institution for at least a two-year course. The bursary will take effect for 2018 graduates if enough money is raised.
He got the idea for a bursary of this nature after his own wife passed away in 2008 and he thought about what families have to do when a spouse dies, or a divorce takes place suddenly, in providing for kids to go to college.
Donations can be made to the Columbia Valley Foundation, with donations $20 or more eligible for a tax receipt. Or, you can simply enter your name to win the car. At the end of the donation window, to be determined based on how much is being raised, a name will be drawn to take home the car. Mr. Constable says the winner must take the car as is, where is, but is free to do with it as they wish after they win.
Mr. Constable bought the car for under $10,000, including tax, license, and extra winter tires. He splurged by upgrading the standard 8 track to a tape deck. While the tape deck no longer works, he assures the radio works just fine.
To donate, go to and click on the Donate now button, or drop into their office located in the Invermere visitors centre at The Crossroads.
Laurie Klassen, executive director at Columbia Valley Community Foundation, says they are pleased to help out with this bursary.
This is exactly what we do: we help people fulfill what they care about, says Ms. Klassen.