Dear Editor:
I am writing to you regarding Dan Waltons October 31st article and your corresponding editorial about the very disturbing situation that exists within the Shuswap Bands financial affairs.
What you have reported may come as no surprise to people who have lived in this area for many years.
It should be disturbing not only to Shuswap band members but also to non-Shuswap people because the band, according to your editorial, regularly receives federal funding.
Most recently (2013 and 2014), the Band received a total of $1,654,192.
If what you have published is accurate then the explanation for the huge salaries paid to some of the band council members as put forth by certain band members is ridiculous.
The audits that are now demanded by our federal government should have been inaugurated decades ago.
The time has come for the rank and file band members to clean house and stop allowing the band government to be a family affair.
Reckless financial behaviour will only result in unpleasant consequences both on and off the reserve.
Jim Galloway