Dear Editor:

A number of people have concerns about electromagnetic radiation from the wireless Smart Meters BC Hydro has begun installing in homes and businesses with implied consent. Allegedly there is no administrative body regulating health and safety.

In talks by doctors and engineers on Youtube videos, such as The Dark Side of Smart Meters, The Truth About Smart Meters, and others, there are explanations about non-thermal radiation that causes breakdown of DNA, causing cancer. Among other health concerns is the interference with the blood brain barrier. Children are at greater risk.

It is explained that wireless Smart Meters have constant pulses that are more powerful than cell phones. The body cant cope.

In Ontario, where Smart Meters have been installed, bills have doubled and tripled. Premier McGuinty admitted the program has not been cost effective.

Citizens Against Unsafe Emissions are asking everyone to refuse installation of wireless Smart Meters until a moratorium may be granted, as requested by a number of city and town councils including Invermere. Concerned customers may contact them at [email protected] to get on the mailing list for updates and to download a copy of a letter of refusal that has been drawn up by a lawyer.

One copy should be sent to BC Hydro and one posted on the existing meter (putting plastic wrap over for weatherproofing), leaving space for meter reading, plus another one for records.

If BC Hydro contacts a customer who sent in a refusal, stating that the customer must fill out a form and meet with a Hydro representative, a letter of reply is also available from the same e-mail address, indicating that these conditions do not exist by law.

Citizens for Safe Technology Society and the Coalition to Stop Smart Meters are working with a lawyer in Kamloops.

Beverley Jean Sinclair
