Dear Editor:
Just a comment about the location of the Rotary Clubs proposed splash and spray park when I saw the proposed site last summer, I thought, what a disaster. You have the small play structure on one side of the parking lot (closer to the washrooms) and now youre going to build the splash park across the parking lot in the back corner.
Having raised three boys already, I can guarantee you that the shortest route from the play park to the splash park is going to be through the parking lot, not around it.
If you are a mom at the beach with more than one toddler, this will be a nightmare. Consider moving the splash park to the same side as the toddler park, solving your washroom issue and creating a significantly safer experience for a family with young kids. Additionally, the proposed location is a place where other visitors can either sit back from the crowds on a busy day or throw a ball and frisbee around. Thank you for your consideration of this matter before you break ground.
Sue Ellis, Calgary