Submitted by Lynda Tutty,
Wings Marketing Committee
Do you know why cottonwood trees are vital for the Columbia Valley wetlands? Or why wild orchids grow on sites of ancient Indigenous camps? Or where cliff swallows nest? I’ve learned and experienced so much about how plants, animals, geology and history are intertwined during Wings walks and presentations. I can hardly wait for the 2023 Wings over the Rockies Nature Festival to find out what interesting gems I can learn and experience.
From May 8 to 14, Wings over the Rockies Nature Festival offers more than 100 events. It’s exciting, and maybe a bit overwhelming, to choose the walks, hikes, paddles, luncheon or evening presentations. Don’t worry – Wings can help!
On Thursday, March 30 at 10 a.m., a preview of the event schedule for Wings over the Rockies 2023 at Find the events that interest you and be ready to purchase tickets online Tuesday, April 11 at 10 a.m. As experienced Wings participants have learned, many events sell out the first day.
For more than 25 years, Wings over the Rockies Nature Festival has introduced, informed and educated thousands of people who are interested in nature… but Wings also celebrates nature. This year’s celebration is a spring soirée – a casual reception at the Columbia Valley Centre. Guests will be able to mingle and share Wings experiences while enjoying finger food and a drink from the cash bar. To add to the ambiance, there will be a continuous slide show of festival highlights, a Columbia Valley Arts-sponsored display of nature-inspired local art, and live music by Kevin Olson.
After mixing and mingling, guests have another wonderful opportunity to learn more about wildlife and landscapes with keynote speaker, Dr. Dale Leckie. A nature-lover, geologist, scientist, author and public speaker, Dr. Leckie will soon publish his third nature book for the public that highlights this subject.
Photographs are an ideal way to capture the beauty of nature and to share it with others. The annual Wings photography contest invites avid and beginner photographers alike to submit photos taken in the East Kootenays during the past year. The contest, with categories and prizes for adults and juniors, opens March 30. Check contest rules at
There are so many Wings over the Rockies Nature Festival options. Be sure to check today and make your Wings plan.