JUMBO AUTHOR  Ardent anti-Jumboe Glacier Resort activist K.Linda Kivi (above) and illustrator Amber Santos have recenlty released The Town of Nothing.

JUMBO AUTHOR Ardent anti-Jumboe Glacier Resort activist K.Linda Kivi (above) and illustrator Amber Santos have recenlty released The Town of Nothing.

Submitted by Maa Press

The Town of Nothing, an all-ages picture book by K.L. Kivi and illustrated by Amber Santos, is coming to Invermere.

To celebrate Halloween Jumbo-style, the author and illustrator will be presenting the book and leading a collaborative art activity on Saturday, October 31st at 10 a.m. at the Black Star Studio in downtown Invermere.

Through a series of puns on the word nothing, the lushly illustrated book explores what wilderness contains versus what towns contain.

Alan Twigg of B.C. BookWorld writes, although it has the appearance of a conventional childrens book, its a satirical account of how a few self-interested capitalists can mysteriously transform an unpopulated wilderness into something called a municipality.

Mr. Twigg is referring to the Jumbo Glacier Resort Mountain Municipality that was the inspiration for The Town of Nothing.

As long time Jumbo Wild activists, Ms. Kivi said that it was empowering for both Amber and me, as well as our community to satirize the ridiculousness of the situation. When youve spent so many years trying to get basic democratic principles respected, a touch of lightness and humour goes a long way in lifting spirits and keeping people engaged in this important issue.

At the same time, the bold illustrations, with a bear hidden on each page, will engage children, youth and parents without any knowledge of the Jumbo situation.

The presentation will feature a reading of the book, time to discuss the current Jumbo situation as well as a guided, collaborative drawing led by Ms. Santos designed to engage and inspire participants.