Children, please!
Observing the antics in the House of Commons is like watching toddlers quarrelling over space in a sandbox. Get over it.
Last week it was Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre calling PM Justin Trudeau a “wacko” for the Liberals decriminalizing drugs (including cocaine, heroin and fentanyl) to address the overdose crisis. The name-calling continued with Trudeau calling Poilievre “spineless.” Mmmm, there must be an election coming up.
While calling someone wacko isn’t considered majorly offensive these days, using the term in the House is not very professional on Poilievre’s part. But it certainly doesn’t warrant him being kicked out of chambers by Speaker Greg Fergus. Under pressure by Fergus, Poilievre agreed to replace the word with “extremist,” but that wasn’t good enough, so he got the boot.
Immaturity aside, the real issue here is whether making hard drugs legal is a sound policy that is saving lives instead of destroying them, as Poilievre argues.
The Pioneer spoke to a local stepmom who has some strong feelings about the issue. She wants these drugs made illegal again.
“For the House of Commons or the prime minister to have their feelings hurt for the term ‘wacko’ has clearly never been affected by someone else’s drug use.”
The step parent has heard the heartbreaking phone calls all hours of the day from a loved one crying and screaming in need of $5, $10, or $20 for their next fix. “Knowing you have a child on the street who will do whatever they need to do to survive just to get high; I would say being referred to as a wacko is a small sentiment in the bigger scheme of things.”
This parent, along with countless others, deserves to see drug dealers face harsher punishment in the courts, otherwise it’s a vicious circle that will never end.
While some totally support decriminalization, many call it idiotic; a Band-Aid solution to a growing problem. One wonders if the government is eying a bigger piece of the drug pie.
“Back when I grew up that was called proceeds of crime,” the parent told the Pioneer.
She believes that “if you’re going to dance with the devil” by dealing drugs, you better be ready to face the legal consequences.
Lyonel Doherty, editor