Columbia Valley Pioneer staff

People with a passion for wildlife and their habitats are needed for a new advisory committee in the East Kootenay.

Since last fall, a diverse group of people with extensive knowledge of local wildlife has been meeting to talk about habitat and the possibility of forming a new committee in response to the provincial government’s Together for Wildlife Strategy.

The discussions were kick-started by local stakeholders in collaboration with the province to transform this interim group into a permanent advisory committee. 

Interested applicants are invited to apply online by Monday, Dec. 4. The appointments are for two years. Members must have a demonstrated commitment to wildlife and habitat conservation. They must also be able to effectively collaborate with others and have the time to be engaged in meetings. 

Those interested can email [email protected] with the subject line “East Kootenay Wildlife & Habitat Advisory Committee membership”. 

Visit this link to learn more about the role of the committee:

The committee will advise provincial government staff on the regional implementation of the strategy. In this role, the committee will focus its work on providing expert knowledge and advice on priorities and opportunities to improve the stewardship of terrestrial wildlife and habitat. 

This committee will not replace the existing Kootenay Wildlife Harvest Advisory Committee, which is the venue for conversations and advice related to hunting and trapping regulations. Hunting and trapping regulations are not currently within the scope of this Wildlife and Habitat Advisory Committee.