Submitted by WildSafeBC

WildSafeBC is the provincial leader in preventing conflict with wildlife through collaboration, education and community solutions. The program is now up and running in Invermere and Radium for the 2021 season. Funding is generously provided by the Columbia Basin Trust, District of Invermere, Radium Hot Springs, the British Columbia Conservation Foundation, and the Province of B.C.

As a part of the educational portion of their program, WildSafeBC will be visiting various neighbourhoods across Invermere this summer to do weekly garbage tagging. Garbage bins that are placed on the curb the night before pickup will be targeted, as garbage is the number-one attractant for black bears. These bins will receive a bright yellow sticker that serves as a warning to residents that their garbage is an attractant. 

WildSafeBC also wants to remind residents of Invermere of bylaw 1426, which states: “All domestic refuse cannot be placed for curbside pick-up prior to 7:30 AM of the property’s regularly scheduled garbage pick-up day. In addition to this all-domestic refuse must be placed in one of the following: a) A building, house or garage that is inaccessible to wildlife; b) An approved wildlife resistant container; c) A container that is placed in an approved wildlife resistant enclosure; or d) Deposited at an appropriate disposal site. “

Residents of Radium, whilst there is no curbside collection, I’d also like to remind you of bylaw No. 440,2018 which states: “No person shall knowingly or willingly leave or store any attractant, refuse, food product, pet food or grain in a manner which would constitute an attractant to any wild animal.” As with Invermere the storage of domestic and commercial refuse is the same, see above. This means bear proof bins should always be closed and never overflowing and bags of garbage should never be left besides overflowing bins. If anyone notices bins are overflowing, please wait to place your garbage out or alternatively take it to one of the transfer stations available. 

WildSafeBC provides information on these bylaws but does not enforce them or deliver fines. By warning residents and educating the public about attractant management through initiatives such as garbage tagging, WildSafeBC hopes to prevent human-wildlife conflict in Invermere and Radium. For further information about the program or for tips on wildlife safety visit, follow WildSafeBC Columbia Valley on Facebook, or contact your local Community Coordinator, Natalie Ebsworth, at (250) 342-9281 ext. 1230 or by email [email protected].